Bathroom Mould Removal

You know it’s coming into the colder months when you crank the hot water and forget to put the fan on 👀

There is nothing quite like a warm bath to warm you up in winter, but with this creature comfort we are creating a perfect breeding ground for mould spores to grow in our bathrooms.

If you are finding yourself scrubbing black bits from your silicone or grout regularly, you may have a mould infestation on your hands.

Follow these simple steps to keep your bathroom sparkling clean and mould-free:

1️⃣ Put on your protective gear: Safety first! Don your gloves, safety goggles, and face mask to protect yourself from mould spores and cleaning products.

2️⃣ Let the fresh air in: Open a window or turn on the bathroom fan to improve air circulation and reduce moisture.

3️⃣ Show mould who's boss: Take a stiff brush, scrub brush, or sponge and tackle any visible mould growth in your shower. Don't forget to reach into corners, grout lines, and tile crevices. Dispose of mouldy materials properly.

4️⃣ Mix up a cleaning solution: Grab a spray bottle and mix equal parts water and vinegar and water. Alternatively, you can use a commercial mould and mildew cleaner.

5️⃣ Spray away the mould: Thoroughly saturate the mouldy areas with your cleaning solution. Let it sit for about 15 minutes to work its magic.

6️⃣ Scrub-a-dub-dub: Armed with your brush or sponge, scrub those surfaces vigorously to banish any remaining mould. Pay special attention to grout lines and porous surfaces.

7️⃣ Rinse, rinse, rinse: Rinse the area thoroughly with water, making sure to remove all traces of the cleaning solution.

8️⃣ Keep mould at bay: Prevent future mould growth by ensuring good ventilation in your bathroom, reducing moisture with a dehumidifier or open windows, and regularly cleaning and drying the shower area. Consider using mould-resistant products like caulk and paint.

9️⃣ Dispose and conquer: Properly dispose of any materials that came into contact with mould by sealing them in a plastic bag. This helps prevent the spread of spores.

✨ Remember, persistence pays off! If the mould returns or is deeply embedded, don't hesitate to repeat the process or contact Swish for mediation.

🌟 Keep your shower fresh and mould-free with these tips! Share them with your friends and family to help them conquer the mouldy menace too. Happy cleaning! 🛁✨


End of Lease Cleaning