End of Lease Cleaning

A Step by Step Guide

As the end of your lease approaches, it is essential to leave your home in pristine condition to impress your real estate agent and ensure a smooth transition. 

Cleaning your home thoroughly not only helps you reclaim your security bond but also showcases your responsibility as a tenant. Stick with us and we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to clean your home effectively, focusing on the areas that real estate agents pay close attention to. 

Create a Cleaning Plan

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, start by creating a cleaning plan. Break down the tasks into manageable chunks and allocate time for each area of your home. Having a plan will help you stay organised and ensure that no corner is left uncleaned.

Begin with Decluttering

  • Before diving into deep cleaning, decluttering is essential. Go through each room, sorting items into categories like keep, donate, or throw away. This process not only helps in cleaning but also prepares you for a fresh start in your new space.


  • The kitchen is a crucial area that requires extra attention. Start by cleaning all surfaces, including countertops, cabinets, and appliances. Remove any stains or grease buildup on the stove and oven. Don't forget to clean inside the refrigerator and freezer, removing all food remnants and wiping down shelves. Remember to defrost the freezer if necessary.


  • The bathroom is another area that demands thorough cleaning. Scrub the toilet, sink, bathtub/shower, and tiles using appropriate cleaning agents. Pay attention to areas prone to mildew and mold, such as corners and grout lines. Polish fixtures, mirrors, and windows until they sparkle. Empty and sanitise the trash can as well.

Living Areas and Bedrooms

  • Dust and wipe down all surfaces, including shelves, windowsills, baseboards, and light fixtures. Vacuum or mop the floors, ensuring no dust or debris is left behind. Remove any stains from carpets or upholstery. Launder or dry-clean curtains, and wipe down blinds if needed. Don't forget to clean inside closets and wardrobes, as property managers often check these areas.

Floors and Walls

  • Sweep and mop hard floors, paying attention to corners and skirting boards. If you have carpets, consider renting a carpet cleaner to remove any embedded dirt or stains. Patch up any holes or scratches on walls and touch up with paint if necessary. Cleaning the windows is crucial, as they are the first thing people notice when entering a home.

Outdoor Areas

  • If you have access to outdoor spaces, don't overlook their cleaning. Sweep patios, balconies, or decks, and remove any debris or dirt. Clean windows and doors leading to these areas. If applicable, mow the lawn, trim bushes, and remove weeds.

Final Touches

  • Once you've completed all the cleaning tasks, it's time to add some final touches to make your home shine. Look over each surface to ensure it shines, check everything is in working order and go through the below checklist for any last minute forgotten areas. 

Commonly Missed Areas

  • Ceiling fans

  • Window and sliding door tracks 

  • Cobwebs

  • Marks on walls 

  • Exhaust fans in bathrooms 

  • Dishwasher filters

  • Rangehood filters

  • Wall scuffs and dents

  • Skirting boards 

By following this comprehensive guide, you can ensure that your home is in top condition, increasing your chances of receiving your security deposit back and earning a glowing reference. Remember, a clean and well-maintained home reflects your dedication and respect as a tenant, leaving a lasting impression on both real estate agents and potential future landlords. 

Good luck with your move and your new chapter!

Need extra help with your end of lease clean? Contact us on 0411 626 114 for your free quote today.


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