How to Find a Cleaning Service

Maintaining a clean and organised living or working space is crucial for our overall well-being and productivity. However, finding the right cleaner for your specific needs can sometimes be a daunting task.

There are hundreds of services and individual cleaners that pop up and with numerous options available in the market, it's important to know what factors to consider so that you can make an informed decision.

In this blog post, we will walk you through the essential steps to choose the perfect cleaner for your unique requirements.

Read on to find out how to find the best cleaning service for your needs

Customer Service

A cleaner's commitment to excellent customer service and effective communication is vital in maintaining a positive working relationship. 

When engaging a cleaner or a cleaning service make sure to consider the following ➡️


  • A reliable cleaner should promptly respond to your inquiries, whether it's through phone calls, emails, or online messaging platforms. Have they responded to your initial enquiry in a prompt manner? How long does it take to reply to your phone calls or messages? Their willingness to address your questions or concerns demonstrates their dedication to customer satisfaction.


  • Look for cleaners who are accommodating and flexible when it comes to scheduling and rescheduling appointments. Life can be unpredictable, and having a cleaner who can adjust to your changing needs is a valuable asset.


  • A courteous and professional demeanour is crucial when inviting someone into your personal or professional space. Evaluate how the cleaner communicates and presents themselves during initial interactions. Clear communication and professionalism will contribute to a smoother working relationship.


  • Occasionally, issues or misunderstandings may arise during the cleaning process. A good cleaning service should be proactive in addressing and resolving any problems that may occur, ensuring that you are satisfied with the service provided.

Trustworthiness and Background Checks

When selecting a cleaner, it's essential to find someone you can trust. Look for cleaning services or individual cleaners who have taken the necessary steps to ensure their reliability and professionalism.

There is very little legislation in Australia in regards to mandatory checks that cleaning services are obligated to follow, which means that as a consumer you need to consider the following factors ➡️


  • A reputable cleaner should have liability insurance to protect both themselves and their clients in case of accidents or damage during the cleaning process. Always inquire about their insurance coverage, if it’s a service they should have their own insurance and their contractors should be insured as well. Insurance for contractors and businesses is necessary but not mandatory, so this is something you will need to ask.

Police Checks

  • Ask if the cleaner or cleaning service conducts background checks on their employees. This will give you peace of mind knowing that the person entering your space has a clean record and can be trusted.

ABN (Australian Business Number):

  • If you are hiring an individual cleaner or a service, verify if they have a valid ABN. This indicates that they are running a legitimate business and are registered with the Australian Taxation Office.

Experience and Expertise

Cleaning is a skill that improves with experience. When considering a cleaner, inquire about their years of experience in the industry. A seasoned cleaner will have a better understanding of different cleaning techniques, appropriate cleaning products, and efficient workflows. They can adapt to various challenges that may arise during the cleaning process. A good way to screen this is to book an initial test clean with who you decide to engage.

Reviews and Recommendations

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Customer reviews and recommendations provide valuable insights into the quality of service a cleaner offers. Look for testimonials or reviews on their website, social media platforms, or third-party review websites. Pay attention to comments regarding punctuality, professionalism, and the overall satisfaction of previous clients. Additionally, seek recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have had positive experiences with a particular cleaner.

Willingness to Work With You

Every space has unique cleaning requirements, so it's crucial to choose a cleaner who can tailor their services to meet your specific needs. A reliable cleaner will be willing to discuss your expectations, develop a cleaning plan, and accommodate any specific requests or preferences you may have. Clear communication is key to ensuring that you receive the level of service you desire.

Choosing the right cleaner involves careful consideration of factors such as trustworthiness, background checks, experience, reviews, customised services, and environmental consciousness. By taking the time to research and evaluate different options, you can find a cleaner who not only meets your cleaning needs but also provides a reliable and professional service.

Remember, a clean space contributes to a healthier and more comfortable living or working environment.

Book Your Test Clean

Our initial clean with any client involves a client consultation, walkthrough of your space, a personalised client checklist and a three hour deep clean of your space to get it ready for consecutive services.

Feel the Swish difference, book your test clean with Swish Cleaning Services today 📖


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